Glacier View School Holds Science Fair

“Could you print this picture?”

“Where’s a glue stick?”

“Who has the paper cutter?”

The questions flew around Glacier View School in Ronan, Montana, on the morning of Jan. 31, 2020, as students added the finishing touches to their science display boards. Every student from kindergarten through eighth grade had completed a science exploration.

The kindergarten students formed a cooperative team to model various kinds of viruses while older students individually explored science topics of their choosing. First, students completed an online interest inventory to help them find areas of exploration suited to their interests. Sports proved to be a popular choice as several students explored the physics of how basketballs bounce on different surfaces, or various factors affect kicking a field goal. However, the themes were hardly limited. Areas of interest ranged from psychologically based surveys and robotics to architecture, astronomy and the best method for baking a flawless cheesecake.

At 11:30 the doors opened for parents and community members to visit the exhibit and question the students about their learning. “I was surprised to find out how much sugar is in orange juice,” said Sianna, a fourth grader, who compared the amount of sugar in common drinks. Others faced surprises of a different variety when they learned the hazards of procrastinating. One such challenge was coding website updates the night before the fair so an intricately designed Lego robotics hand was left motionless.

Despite the challenges, the students persevered and gained a new depth of knowledge in areas that interested them individually.
