Brent Plubell has accepted the invitation of the Oregon Conference executive and nominating committees to become vice president for finance. He will serve the remainder of the current term, which ends in 2022, stepping into the position left vacant when Brian Gosney left to join the General Conference Auditing Service. Plubell comes to the role having served the past five years in various functions in the Oregon Conference treasury department, most recently as conference undertreasurer.
The following announcement was posted on the Oregon Conference website.
Brent Plubell has accepted the invitation of the Oregon Conference Executive and Nominating Committees to become the next Oregon Conference vice president for finance. He will serve the remainder of the current term which ends in 2022. Brent comes to the role having served the past five years in various roles in the Oregon Conference Treasury Department. In his most recent role of undertreasurer, Brent gained a reputation for being knowledgeable, approachable, and mission-focused. In that role, his attention to improving budgeting processes and expense evaluation have demonstrated his commitment to effective stewardship of God’s resources.
“It’s humbling to be called to this position,” Brent said. “My goal has always been to serve where God calls. While this was unexpected to me, God has made it clear that this is where He wants me.”
“It is always a great blessing to witness the Lord’s clear leading in identifying whom He has in mind for a position,” noted Dan Linrud, president. “Brent has been a highly competent and valued member of our treasury team, providing exceptional service in his varied roles, including filling the interim duties of the VP finance position. Brent brings his experience as an accounting, academy business management, auditing, payroll and Conference treasury. He is a spiritual, thoughtful leader. He is a great team player, who already has a strong positive relationship with the Oregon Conference team and is well-acquainted with the unique protocols of this Conference."
As for his goals in his new role, Brent is characteristically direct: “I want us to be responsible stewards of the funds that God’s people have entrusted to His church. As we look toward the future of the church, we must continually be looking for ways to be better stewards of resources.”
Brent is excited to continue Oregon’s tradition of creating opportunities for treasury employees to gain needed experience. “There isn’t a clear denominational track toward financial leadership. It’s my goal to create chances for younger people to serve in church leadership through internships and other opportunities. We have an opportunity here in Oregon to develop the next generation of potential treasury leaders.”
We are grateful to the Lord to welcome Brent to our Conference administration team, effective immediately.