
Wise Beyond His Years

I wanted to (belatedly) congratulate you on your addition of Seth Pierce. I will confess that when I first saw him in the Gleaner, my initial thoughts were not complimentary (along the lines of, "This will probably be some drivel doled out in a desperate attempt to appeal to a younger audience"). I will also admit that I was completely and utterly wrong. Although age is often synonymous with thoughtful consideration, it is neither a requirement nor a guarantee. He may not have 50 years of life experience (though I suspect he appears younger than he is), but he offers an interesting and useful perspective on a variety of topics and seems to possess an intellectual honesty that is too often lacking. I can't say as I completely agree with him every time out, but [I do] much of the time and far more often that I would have expected.

Marc Thornsbury, Portland, Ore.

Keep Provoking Us!

Thank you so much for the fresh, thought-provoking articles you [Perspective columnists] write each month. Your exceptional writing skills add to the pleasure of reading your articles. I especially enjoy the humor that is often infused into your pithiest remarks. I confess that in the past the Gleaner used to be filed in the drawer after reading the obituaries, only to be taken out when the next issue arrived. Now I look forward to each issue. How blessed we are to have so much talent in one magazine. Please continue to "provoke" some of your readers.

Jeanne Powell, Merlin, Ore.

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Featured in: July 2015
