Image Credit: Jay Wintermeyer

UCA Volunteers Put Up Greenhouse

There has been talk on and off at Upper Columbia Academy (UCA) in Spangle, Wash., about putting up a greenhouse. It is no longer just talk as UCA began putting up a greenhouse 24 feet wide by 96 feet long.

“Having the greenhouse up is great,” says John Winslow, UCA principal. “The amazing thing is that it was all volunteer help that put up the greenhouse.”

After the greenhouse was constructed at the beginning of the summer, volunteers began planting vegetables in July. Marvin Gee, a volunteer who has taken a leadership and consultant role, is excited about providing the academy cafeteria with fresh vegetables. “Anything we supply to the cafeteria that they don’t have to buy cuts overhead costs,” Gee explains.

Although in small portions, the greenhouse had already provided the cafeteria with some vegetables. In the short term, the goal is to increase the amount of fresh vegetables given to the cafeteria. In the long term, UCA is exploring the opportunity for an agriculture class to add another avenue for education. In addition, anyone who has a passion for youth and knowledge of gardening and orchards is invited to contact UCA if interested in volunteering.

“There is no end to life’s lessons out of gardening and agriculture,” Gee says.

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Featured in: October 2014
