Kettle Falls Runs Successful Discover Bible School

Eighty students graduated in 2013 from the many courses offered at the Kettle Falls Discover Bible School. Currently, more than 400 enrollees take the various courses offered, which include Focus on Prophecy, Discover Bible Course, Native New Day and Kid Zone. Kettle Falls has students enrolled from all 50 states. Requests from overseas are referred to the countries where the interested parties reside.

When students complete one series of lessons, they are offered a second and third set of lessons. Those who finish the Focus on Prophecy series receive The Great Controversy. Those completing the Discover Bible Course receive The Desire of Ages, and those who complete the Amazing Facts program receive God's Answers to Your Questions. When students graduate they are encouraged to attend a local Seventh-day Adventist church. A number of students are already attending Adventist churches in their areas.

The Kettle Falls Discover Bible School, which began in 2006, has received so many requests at one time that they began sending the requests for Amazing Facts lessons to the Libby (Mont.) Church's Discover Bible School. The leader in Libby was grateful for the extra studies. One student in a Florida jail has enrolled five of her fellow inmates in the courses.

Students greatly appreciate the lessons they receive. One asked for a PowerPoint presentation to share with his church; another wanted a Final Events DVD along with his first lesson. Another requested lessons for 10 of her friends so they could study together. Story after story could be shared about the appreciation of the students for the lessons they receive.

Most of the enrollees learn about the courses offered by searching the Internet and finding, the website of Nick Ratcliff, and, managed by John Quade. Others may hear about the lessons from radio or TV ads or ads in magazines or other leaflets. Currently about 10 church members are online instructors in the studies. It is their hope that this report will inspire other churches to begin offering Bible correspondence courses in their area.

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Featured in: June 2014
