Image Credit: Jon Weigley

UCA Week of Prayer Yields Baptisms

This past October, Upper Columbia Academy (UCA) in Spangle, Wash., hosted its annual fall week of prayer. Deon Chatman, Pasco (Wash.) Ephesus Church outreach coordinator, spoke. During his week with at UCA, Chatman shared messages with the focus on “Journey to Jesus.” At the end of the week, he made an altar call for commitment to Jesus through baptism, rebaptism or a recommitment. Nearly 50 academy students came forward to commit themselves to Jesus during that call.

On Dec. 7, 2013, four of these students, with Chatman present, made their public commitment through baptism. The following Sabbath, Dec. 14, another eight students joined their peers in following Jesus through baptism. A baptismal service is planned later in the spring as there is expected to be a trickle effect of baptisms through the remainder of the school year.

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Featured in: March 2014
