Kettle Falls Discover Bible School

"When the Kettle Falls (Wash.) Church decided to start a Discover Bible School in October, 2005; almost all the members signed up to help with great anticipation.

Thousands of enrollment cards mailed to Kettle Falls and nine surrounding towns and communities initially brought about 50 requests for Discover Bible Guides.

By October 2008, the requests had dropped to almost zero. When John Quade heard the plea for new students, he offered to include invitations for free lessons on his website.

Gradually, the requests came in. In March 2009, 59 new requests came from all over the country, and that grew to 327 requests in 2010. By the end of October, 736 requests had been received in 2011. The school now offers Discover, Focus on Prophecy, Native New Day, Amazing Facts and KidZone Bible guides. Several prison inmates are enrolled in the Discover Bible course.

A cover letter accompanies the first lesson, and a reminder letter follows if the lesson is not returned. When a student completes a course, he or she is offered another course. As friendships develop between students and instructors, sympathy cards, birthday cards and "thinking of you" cards are sent, and tracts are added to the lessons when appropriate.

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Featured in: January 2012
