Letters on p. 5

Where's Dr. Hall?

I live on a remote island here in Southeast Alaska and am lucky to attend church three or four times a year. So it goes without saying that I enjoy the GLEANER. My daughter and I vie for first dibs when the new issue comes in the mail.

I was disappointed not to find Don Hall's health column in the February issue, is this a skip or is his column ending?

Sue Crew, Edna Bay, Alaska

GLEANER: Space and budget restrictions squeezed us extra hard this year, so we had to discontinue Don Hall's "Healthy Choices" and several other sections. You can still access regular updates from Dr. Hall at www.wellsource.org.

No Habla Espanol?

For some time now you have included the Accion page, in a foreign language. I believe we are an English-speaking nation. If we are going to address other languages, it needs to be more than just one, so please cancel my subscription.

K.R., Idaho

GLEANER: Jesus asked us to take the good news to every kindred, tongue and people. We obviously can't include every language in the GLEANER. But here in the Northwest, Hispanics make up, by far, the largest segment of new Adventist members. We have included this Spanish page for some of them who have yet to learn English.

Pedaling, Not Peddling

You have no doubt already been "tweaked" for the Carl and Teresa Wilkens news item on page 4 of the March 2010 GLEANER.

To peddle is, of course, a somewhat derogatory reference to the attempt to sell something, typically door to door or place to place. So it might be said: "He peddled art and cheap lithographs across the state."

It is also used in the context of someone trying to sell something stolen or illegal: "Certain youths in the town were involved in theft and drug peddling."

It suddenly occurred to me that maybe you were simply quoting Carl and Teresa (terrible thought), but a check of their Web site confirmed that they were using the properly spelled "Pedaling2Peace" moniker . . . which leaves me feeling badly for someone who used his or her spell checker which, of course, will leave intact both "peddle" and "peddling" since they are perfectly good words.

You have my sympathy and general appreciation.

Henning Guldhammer, College Place, Wash.

GLEANER: We gratefully accept your sympathy and extend our apologies to Carl and Teresa as we dust the ashes from our sackcloth. We hate to be guilty of peddling poor English upon our readers, especially regarding those who pedal for such an important cause.

Avoiding "Adventese"

I appreciated Michael Demma's article about our "Adventese." I was raised Catholic and when I was invited to an Adventist church service; it would be months before I learned there were Bible classes before "church" and that "church" meant the sermon and corporate worship time. For Catholics, church means the entire service.

I recall members talking about the "latter rain" which I took to mean another flood being poured down on earth. When there are visitors, we shouldn't assume they know our lingo. In fact, we should ask if they heard anything that was not clear. It feels exclusive when everyone else is talking in an unfamiliar jargon. And connecting with people is what it's all about!

Maureen O'Kane, Sequim, Wash.

"Partners" not Okay

[Regarding Adventist Health story "AMC Patient Experiences Christ," February 2010] I thought it was inappropriate to bring in the fact that Holli and Joni were "partners." Don't you think it could have had the same effect to say they were friends? To print this in our church publication might indicate to someone reading this we condone this lifestyle, when, in fact, we cannot and do not.

Name withheld

GLEANER: We think simply telling the truth is important. The Bible doesn't "airbrush" its stories, and it's a good example for us. The Adventist Health story focuses on Christ's own method of ministering to people right where they are. He ate with "winebibbers" and helped harlots without condoning their lifestyle. He does the same for us, and then says, "Come, follow Me."

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Featured in: April 2010
