FYI - February 2009

Sabbath Scholar Dies

Samuele Bacchiocchi, retired Andrews University theology professor and one of the world’s leading proponents of the seventh-day Sabbath, died Dec. 20, 2008, following a two-year battle with cancer. He was 70 years old and resided in Berrien Springs, Mich.

Bacchiocchi, who spent 26 years teaching at Andrews University, was the first Protestant to attend and graduate from the doctoral program at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. His book, From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity, is considered a leading text on the Sabbath, even by those who disagree with its conclusions.

Free Media Resources

The Christian Life Media Center has launched a Web site providing Bible and devotional resources. Some of the features include sermons, Bible studies, radio and television broadcasts, music and features for children. Check out the Web site at

West Coast Worship Conference

Register now for the West Coast Worship Conference, March 5–7, 2009, at the Adventist Media Center. The event is hosted by the North American Division Church Resource Center and the West Region of the Southern California Conference. It is a training for pastors, worship leaders, musicians, artists and lay leaders involved in worship ministry. For more information, e-mail:, call (805)-857-1097, or visit

The Advent Movement

Jim Anderson became pastor of the newly created Cashmere/East Wenatchee/Wenatchee (Wash.) Abundant Life district in January 2009.

Glenn Aufderhar returned to full-time retirement from pastoral ministry in August 2008.

Brooks Bentzinger accepted the invitation to serve as pastor for the Moses Lake (Wash.) Church in November 2008.

John Clark became the new pastor for the Helena, Boulder and Townsend (Mont.) churches January 2009. He comes from the Kansas/Nebraska Conference.

Colin Dunbar became pastor of the Athol (Idaho) Church in December 2008. He continues to also pastor the Spokane (Wash.) East Central Church and serve as prayer coordinator for the Upper Columbia Conference.

Bong Ho Kim left the senior pastor position at the Oregon Central Korean Church to fulfill the same role in the Atlanta (Ga.) Korean Church in December 2008.

Kang Soo Lee former senior pastor at Atlanta (Ga.) Korean Church became senior pastor at the Oregon Central Korean Church in December 2008.

Davy Lounsbury began serving as pastor for the Ritzville/Spirit Lake district in January 2009.

Allan Payne became senior pastor for the Hermiston/Heppner/Spray district in January 2009.

Jared Spano became assistant pastor for the Gresham/Rockwood (Ore.) Church in December 2008.

Lee Venden accepted the invitation to serve as Upper Columbia Conference Revivalist for 2009.

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