Did You Know - January 2009

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Black History Month:

For many years the second week in February was set aside for black history celebrations to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, as part of the U.S. bicentennial, the week was expanded into the entire month of February.

By the Numbers:

24—States where blacks make up the largest minority group.

2.4 million—The number of black military veterans in 2007. This represents the largest minority group.

1.2 million—The number of blacks 25 years and older with an advanced degree in 2007. This includes master’s degrees, doctorates, medical and law degrees. In 1997, just 717,000 blacks had this level of education.

27 percent—The percentage of blacks 16 and older in management, professional and related occupations, including 49,730 physicians, 70,620 post-secondary teachers and 57,720 CEOs.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

In the Northwest:

Here are a few of the African-American pioneers among Northwest Adventists:

Zetty Holly Green, a member of the Tacoma (Wash.) Mt. Tahoma Church, was the first student from a NPUC black church to attend Walla Walla University in 1954.

Freddie Mae Hurd Gautier, daughter of black Northwest Adventist pioneers, Fred and Minnie Hurd, became a well-known civil rights leader and personal friend of Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy and Jessie Jackson.

Ben McAdoowas a charter member of the Seattle (Wash.) Shiloh Church and the first African American to maintain an architectural practice in Washington. McAdoo also served as NAACP Seattle chapter president, hosted a weekly radio show, and designed approximately 20 Northwest Adventist churches.

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