Did You Know July 2008

The Steam Dream

If we could tap into just 5 percent of the geothermal energy under the United States, it would provide enough steam to generate electricity for 250 million Americans. Currently, the U.S. uses less than 1 percent of its available geothermal energy.

SOURCE: Discover magazine

Going Green

The Environmental Protection Agency can help you calculate your greenhouse gas emissions and show you simple changes to help reduce your impact on the environment. For more information on greenhouse gas and to calculate your personal emissions, visit


Google Earth Spots Refugees

Internet search engine Google's map service, Google Earth, has expanded to a program bringing satellite images of the entire globe straight to your computer. Google has teamed up with the United Nations Refugee Agency to provide regionally specific information on refugees around the world. Using an add-on for the Google Earth program you can locate specific refugee camps. The add-on also provides photos, videos and information about the status of refugees at each location. Find out more by visiting www.unhcr.org.

Good Learning

59 % of parents with children in private/home school say they are completely satisfied with the quality of their child’s education.

28 % of parents with children in public school expressed the same level of satisfaction.

SOURCE: Gallup

Adventist Students Achieve

According to the preliminary results of the CognitiveGenesis Study, students in Adventist schools score above the national average in all tested academic categories. In addition, Adventist students from the North American Division, at all levels of ability, earned achievement test scores that were about half a grade level above the level predicted by personal ability tests.

SOURCE: www.cognitivegenesis.org

Quotes on Education

"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions."


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."

C.S. Lewis

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."

Mark Twain

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Featured in: July 2008


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