Cowboy Camp Meeting Celebrates 25 Years

Crackling campfires, rhythmic hoofbeats, the jingle of boots with spurs, the soft nickering of horses, and the braying of a mule are all uncommon sounds for an Adventist camp meeting. That is, unless you are at the Cowboy Camp Meeting sponsored by the Adventist Horseman's Association. Such sounds, along with "howdy—happy Sabbath" and country gospel music, have been cowboy camp meeting sounds for the last 25 years.

Nearly 200 horsemen and their friends met at Mt. Adams Horse Camp near Trout Lake, Wash., July 4–8. Participants came from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Speakers this year were Michael Dauncey, youth pastor in Wenatchee, Wash., and Paul Cole, Lents Church pastor in Portland, Ore. Each weekday featured morning and evening meetings under the big tent while the middle of the day featured beautiful trail rides. Those without horses enjoyed hiking and visiting nearby Trout Lake.

The Adventist Horseman's Association was started on Feb. 15, 1982, when about 60 Adventists met in Moses Lake, Wash., and took the motto "Horsemen for Christ." Local chapters organized in Spokane, North Cascades, Yakima, Walla Walla and Moses Lake. Through the years other AHA chapters have organized, and some have folded.

Since 1984 hearty horsemen have camped in very beautiful mountain locations to ride, fellowship and grow closer to the Lord.

The idea has spread and Adventist Horseman's Association Cowboy Camp Meetings have been held in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, Colorado and Nebraska.

Anyone interested in knowing more about The Adventist Horseman's Association and Cowboy Camp Meeting can visit the AHA website at

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Featured in: November 2007