A New Approach to VBS in Miles City, Montana

This summer the Miles City Church tried something new for Vacation Bible School. ADRA offers a program called Adventure for Kids, which emphasizes the needs of people around the world. Each evening the group focused on a country and a type of project that ADRA uses to help the needy. A video showed how ADRA helps with basic medical care and clean water, education, housing and jobs. Then someone would tell how they had lived or worked in countries such as Sweden, England, Haiti and China.

Friday night, they heard from Charlie Smith, a student from Mt. Ellis Academy (MEA), who had gone on the spring mission trip to the Philippines to help with evangelistic meetings. For the closing program on Sabbath morning, Patrik Fallang told about building a church on the Honduras MEA mission trip.

During the week, Bible stories illustrated the theme of helping others. Crafts helped show the difference between wants and needs like water, shelter and medical care.

We closed the week on Sabbath during the worship service. Parents and the church members enjoyed the program and stayed for the fellowship dinner after the program. Although we have only five kids from Adventist homes that fall into the VBS age-group, we had an attendance of 23 for the meetings.

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Featured in: September 2006
