What's an Esdeeay?

The term “SDA” as a short form of Seventh-day Adventist is an ingrained part of the church’s subcultural lingo. Church leaders, however, are now encouraging members and church organizations to instead use the single word “Adventist” as the only appropriate abbreviation for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Here are three important reasons why “Adventist” is a better abbreviation for the church’s name:

• “Adventist” conveys one of the central beliefs of the church, that Jesus is coming again soon. The initials “SDA,” in themselves, do not convey any message.

• The initials “SDA” can be easily confused with other entities.

• The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a worldwide entity, communicating a message in more than 800 languages. In many of those languages, the initials are different. For example, in Spanish, “SDA” would be “IASD.” In Japanese and Chinese, “SDA” does not translate at all.

So in practical terms, the abbreviated form for the Parkdale Seventh-day Adventist Church would not be Parkdale SDA Church, but rather Parkdale Adventist Church. Likewise a Seventh-day Adventist minister would not be described as an SDA minister, but rather as an Adventist minister.

Church leaders hope the effective use of the “Adventist” abbreviation will not only provide better name recognition but also immediately portray a significant element of the Adventist message.

The Logo of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Upward Momentum

The lines at the top of the design suggest a continued upward momentum symbolizing the resurrection and ascension to heaven of Christ’s second coming—the ultimate focus of our faith.

The Flame

The shape is formed by three lines encircling an implied sphere. The lines represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling the globe and our commission to take the gospel to the entire world. The overall shape forms a flame symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

The Cross

The symbol of the cross, representing the gospel of salvation, is positioned in the center of the design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, which is the central theme of our faith.

The Open Bible

The Bible forms the base of the design and represents the Biblical foundation of our beliefs. It is portrayed in a fully opened position suggesting a full acceptance of God’s word.

This logo is a simple picture of the foundation of Adventist beliefs and values. It is the official symbol of the Adventist Church and its message to the world.

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Featured in: April 2006


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