Caring Heart Awards

Seventh-day Adventist school teachers and administrators believe that teaching young people to be actively involved in witnessing and service activities is central to Adventist educational goals. The Caring Heart Award is presented to a junior or senior student who reflects such characteristics. The award is funded by a private foundation and the North American Division and provides a $500 scholarship which may be used to participate in a mission trip or for tuition at an Adventist school. The North Pacific Union Conference’s recipients for 2005 are:

Auburn Adventist Academy’s recipient was senior Caitrin Clewell. Clewell participated in two school mission trips, was a speaker for week of prayer and SEEK evangelistic meetings, girls' club president, a tutor, played in music groups, and, most importantly, was sensitive to others’ needs, always a ready prayer partner. She will be attending Union College next year where she plans to study theology. Her parents are David and Roma Clewell.

Service is the general attitude of Craig Saxby. Not only has he participated in every mission trip that Cascade Christian Academy has offered, he worked hard and unselfishly. Saxby’s service carried over into the grade school where he tutored students in math. Saxby and his parents, Monte and June Saxby, are members of the Wenatchee (Wash.) Church. He will be attending Walla Walla College this fall.

A spirit of helpfulness and caring were reflected by Shannon Gibb on the campus of Columbia Adventist Academy. She, along with her parents, Stephen and Linda Gibb, are active members of the Meadow Glade Church, Battle Ground, Wash. Gibb led out in service projects for school and participated in every short-term mission trip possible. She plans on being a doctor and will be attending Mission College in Thailand next year.

Joanna Giem, a member of the Eagle (Idaho) Church, participated in two mission trips while attending Gem State Adventist Academy. She was involved with and led out in the Teen Leadership program of the local Pathfinder club, helped in community outreach, and was an integral part of the academy music organization. She is the daughter of Ross and Jodi Giem of Nampa, Idaho. Giem plans to study elementary education next year.

Michelle Lund, daughter of Gary and Glenda Lund, is a junior at Livingstone Adventist Academy. Lund’s Christian witnessing and role modeling is evident whether she is volunteering to work with K–6 gymnastics, performing in gymnastics, singing in the choir, or participating on a mission trip. Lund plans to attend Walla Walla College and study nursing. The Lunds are members of the Dallas (Ore.) Church.

Milo Adventist Academy senior Kristin Jones reaches beyond herself to show God’s love to those around her. The daughter of William and Viki Fisher, all members of the Corvallis (Ore.) Church, Jones has demonstrated God’s love by chopping wood for a neighbor, hauling away blackberry brambles, or volunteering to bring the church service to an area church with Milo’s outreach program. She plans to use her scholarship for a mission trip. Veterinary science will be her topic of study as she enters Oregon State University this fall.

Ron Halvorsen III has served as class chaplain for a number of years at Mount Ellis Academy. Halvorsen has the gifts of kindness and understanding and has not only shared those gifts with his fellow classmates but also with patients in the x-ray lab at the hospital where he works. Halvorsen and his parents, Ron and Buffy Halvorsen Jr., are members of the Mount Ellis Academy Church, Bozeman, Mont. His plans are to attend Columbia Union College next year where he will take pre-med courses with a minor in history.

Chad Kimple has a huge heart. He is consistently willing to help where help is needed,” says his teacher from Orcas Christian School. Kimple participated in two mission trips and serves the community as a volunteer firefighter in the Orcas Island Fire Department. He is a member of the Orcas Island Community Church and the son of Dan and Vickie Kimple. The $500 will help him go on a mission trip to Mexico. After fighting forest fires this summer, Kimple will continue his education to become a paramedic.

Recently baptized, Jon Schaffer, from Portland Adventist Academy, has a personal commitment to witnessing and serving activities. Schaffer took part in mission trips and was a regular speaker for “Feature Church Programs” where students provide the service for local churches. In keeping with his gift for speaking, he will be attending Walla Walla College to study theology. Jon and his parents, Stephen and Kathy Schaffer, are members of Hood View Church, Boring, Ore.

Puget Sound Adventist Academy chose Kyle Hardesty as their Caring Heart recipient this year because of his leadership abilities. Chapels, church services and community outreach, and the mission trip to Fiji were just some of the activities in which he led out. Hardesty is the son of Brian and Debora Hardesty, members of the Marysville (Wash.) Church. He plans to become a nurse and use his scholarship toward a mission trip.

Upper Columbia Academy senior Karissa Kravig, daughter of Dean and Lorrie Kravig, exudes optimism and a deep love for God and people. Whether at school or on mission trips, Kravig’s hardworking, willing attitude was mixed with a ray of sunshine. She was often overheard encouraging students, frequently with prayer, helping with homework, and giving anonymous gifts to brighten a day. Kravig plans to major in nursing and minor in Spanish at Southern Adventist University with a goal of going overseas as a missionary. The Kravigs attend All Nations Center, Wapato, Wash.

Karen Villanueva, daughter of Leticia and Jesus Villanueva, believes in the power of prayer. Initiating a successful prayer partner program among students and staff, being selected by peers to be the main speaker for student week of prayer, and organizing and running a Christmas shoe box mailing to children in orphanages are just a few things she was involved in at Walla Walla Valley Academy. She plans to take religion and nursing in college. The Villanuevas are members of the Milton Church, Milton Freewater, Ore.

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Featured in: August 2005
