
The Institute for Mission and Ministry has sponsored 31 weekend Faith in Focus forums throughout the local Northwest conferences since 2004.

Attendance at the second annual Health Summit–West event quadrupled to more than 300 individuals who were trained for further service in their church and community.

This office sponsored pre-retirement seminars at four different sites for church employees who are nearing retirement.

The executive secretary's office at the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) deals not only with the infrastructure and policies of our church organization, but also coordinates the record-keeping that ensures fair and accountable processes for each employee and member. In this office, Bryce Pascoe also keeps abreast of health and stewardship issues and, with Sue Patzer's assistance, leads out in the Northwest Institute for Mission and Ministry, which has sponsored geo-science trips, Reformation tours and the Faith in Focus seminars throughout the Northwest. He has also guided the Northwest participation with the ongoing study on how to address and reduce domestic violence within the church.

To provide fair, honest and consistent processes of accountability for church members throughout the Northwest.

eAdventist—All membership records have been transitioned from the older system of paper record-keeping to the new eAdventist Web-based system, which allows unprecedented access and flexibility while ensuring proper security.

Health Summit–West—This Northwest-based event, co-sponsored with the North American Division, featured nationally known speakers with a variety of seminars and activities to promote better living.

Conference Consultation—Continued support to local conferences has been given to help with procedural issues and to provide continuity during administrative transitions.

Domestic Abuse Study—A study was commissioned to explore the impact of domestic abuse within Northwest Adventist homes and churches. The results were sobering, yet necessary to begin a discussion of solutions.

Accountability Assurance—This office has maintained files and policies that ensure accountability to each member, should questions arise.

Women’s Ministries—Sue Patzer, as coordinator, has worked with the active women’s ministries departments in our local conferences to encourage a Northwest-wide emphasis on active evangelism.

Faith in Focus Seminars—Coordinated by Sue Patzer, these seminars, featuring some of the best of the denomination’s speakers, have been held in more than 31 locations throughout the NPUC since 2004.

Membership Growth—North American culture has proved more challenging to church growth than other parts of the world. Here in the Northwest, we must find the balance between nurturing existing members and attracting and keeping new believers. In addition, we must realize the ethnic ratios are changing, and adapt our focus and priorities to respond to a growing number of Hispanic and other cultural forces within and without our church.

Safe Family Committee—Adventist homes and churches are not immune to the problem of domestic abuse. To follow up with the study already done, the NPUC has established a Safe Family Committee to review and implement recommendations from that study to ultimately provide safer environments for our members and their children.

Employee Retirement—With the uncertainity surrounding Social Security and other funds, we must develop better tracking to provide more consistent denominational work records and help our employees who retire apply for and receive their retirement funding more quickly. A new Internet-based system will help with this.

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Featured in: August 2006
