Disaster Response

NPUC church members contributed more than $270,000 in offerings and donations, as well as volunteer teams and supplies to assist victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Adventist Community Services (ACS) is the official Adventist disaster response agency within the United States, not the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).

The NPUC disaster response coordinator is a volunteer position.

In May 2003, the Adventist Community Services (ACS) directors and disaster response coordinators of our local conferences recommended that a North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) disaster response coordinator position be funded to provide necessary support for local and conference ACS programs. In April 2004, the NPUC executive committee appointed Dennis Olson to this position. The six local conferences in the NPUC share in providing the $7,500 annual budget.

To serve the poor and hurting in Christ's name.

Northwest Coordination—Appointed an NPUC disaster response coordinator who has provided our Northwest local conferences with better access and coordination, regional focus and greater collaboration potential.

Web site—Developed a Web site (http://DisasterResponse.npuc.org) to inform church members and the general public and to eventually be used by conference disaster response coordinators for training.

Disaster Response—Helped to coordinate ACS volunteers and supplies from Idaho, Oregon, Upper Columbia and Washington conferences after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Financial Aid—Initiated an awareness program to Northwest Adventist churches to raise money for hurricane and flood victims.

Central Information Source—Each conference and member has access to a central source for information and coordination in the event of a disaster.

Local Mandate—This office functions specifically at the request of local conferences and as recommended by the North American Division.

Consistent Training—Each conference, church and member now has access to consistent training and information to help them be part of the solution rather than the problem during any local, regional or national disaster.

Training—Develop a cadre of trained disaster response volunteers in each church to respond to crises within their community, local conference or on a wider scale during major disasters.

Member Awareness—Inform and educate members that disaster preparedness is an individual and family responsibility, and that ACS disaster response is an important community witness and ministry.

Community Partnerships—Help local ACS groups become active members in state Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), American Red Cross, ham radio operators and other associated organizations.

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Featured in: August 2006
