Fourteen Northwest academy students received the $500 Caring Heart Award scholarship, made possible through three-way funding from North Pacific Union, local conferences and academies.
Students were selected by their schools for exemplifying the spirit of the Caring Heart — a willingness to serve others. Each student is gifted with a plaque and an engraved Bible, courtesy of North American Division. The scholarship funds may be used toward tuition at an Adventist school or on a short-term mission trip.

Jared Beaubien
Jared Beaubien
Amazing Grace Academy
Jared Beaubien has been a student at AGA for eight years. In those years, Jared has grown as a leader among his peers and the younger students who look up to him. He has been a student association officer for three years, working with a small team of students and faculty to plan activities and events for students.
His thoughtfulness and leadership shine through as he works with the younger students in his family group, leads worship music for chapel and cleans the halls of the school building.
Jared enjoys arranging music for piano and violin. He's part of the audiovisual team at church and frequently steps in when stations are not filled for a particular worship service. Jared is usually found with a guitar in his hands on Friday mornings as he leads music for school-wide worship.
This year, Jared was the student coach of the volleyball team and encouraged his teammates to work together and do their best. He is also the captain of his competitive rock climbing team.
Jared’s leadership is not only seen at school but also in the church family and the community. He was very blessed by his attendance at Prayeradigm Prayer Conference this spring and has taken to heart the advice of the speaker to ask God to wake you up to pray. Jared has shared his experience with many people and encouraged them in their walk with God.
AGA looks forward to seeing how God continues to work in Jared’s life and how He will continue to lead him to impact others positively. Jared plans to attend Walla Walla University this fall to study in the engineering field.

Melissa Pons
Melissa Pons
Auburn Adventist Academy
Melissa Pons, AAA junior, is an example of compassion and diligence. Melissa’s innate sweetness and intelligence became evident to her work supervisor, Mata Ioane. She described Melissa as a very sweet girl who is not only a good worker but also very intelligent.
In academics, Melissa’s commitment to excellence is equally apparent. Kilikina Vega-Richards, AAA English and drama teacher, spoke of her dependability and work ethic. According to Richards, Melissa is “one of the most dependable, hard-working students” she has encountered. Her punctuality, consistent effort and attention to detail make Melissa an exceptional student.
Melissa’s spiritual intuition shines as a member of the campus ministries team. Melissa poured her heart and soul into crafting a week of prayer for Buena Vista Adventist School. The program she planned blended storytelling, interactive activities and music to foster a connection with Jesus.
Her adaptability and dedication to studies and extracurricular activities — particularly drama — highlight her multifaceted talents and commitment. Melissa’s leadership in planning the week of prayer showcases her service-oriented spirit.
AAA faculty and staff proudly select Melissa for the Caring Heart Award, as she embodies the spirit of caring and excellence the award represents.

Meghan Louise Davis
Meghan Davis
Cascade Christian Academy
If you have spent any time at all with Meghan Davis, you know you will always hear her contagious laughter in the hall before she walks into a classroom. Meghan, CCA senior, is a 2024 Caring Heart Award recipient, and CCA staff could not have chosen a better goodwill ambassador on their campus.
Not only does Meghan show her care and interest in her classmates in her classes daily, but she also demonstrates her concern through the leadership roles she took on during this final year of her high school career.
“I was very impressed with Meghan's leadership this year. The senior class president position opened, and Meghan jumped right in and took over seamlessly," said Greg Ringering, CCA history teacher and senior sponsor. "There was no class chaplain, so she took on that responsibility as well. These selfless acts of leadership are just a small example of why she deserves the Caring Heart Award this year."
As president of her senior class, she helped her classmates plan a graduation trip that all could enjoy and will remember for years to come. In addition, her role as chaplain has inspired her to write and deliver sermons to two different churches in the area, sharing God’s love with others.
Her care for others led her to Pulcallpa, Peru, with Palisades Christian Academy during spring break. There, she served as one of the VBS directors in the community. Even though she didn’t know any of the students from Palisades, before she left she said, “I’ll know them hopefully by the end of the trip,” and she did.
“Meghan has been a positive light on our campus for all the 13 years she has been here. Her care towards others creates a contagious culture that is wonderful to watch,” said Stephanie Gates, CCA principal. “Whatever Meghan pursues will be backed up by her kindness, joy and laughter.”
Congratulations, Meghan! May you continue to live for Him.

Ryelle "Eva" Alway
Ryelle "Eva" Alway
Columbia Adventist Academy
Bubbly and energizing, Ryelle "Eva" Alway is a diligent student in the classroom, a leader as an officer in her school offices and a team player in her athletics. She is also a quick learner dedicated to her studies, spending more time than most to understand every concept presented. Eva carries this discipline into her spiritual life as well. She is a hesitant, but excellent public speaker with the ability to make you want to cry one minute and break out in laughter the next.
After coming from a Daoist background, Eva has learned of the love of God, embracing it fully and sharing her experience with others publicly, pointing out how she knows that God has been with her every step of her journey, even when she didn’t know Him. She shares His love with others by making sure everyone within her sphere of influence feels included, and she is the first to find someone in isolation and speak words of encouragement to them.
She has a heart for service that has grown through her summer experience as a literature evangelist and time spent on mission trips. While on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic last year, when it seemed that everything that could go wrong was indeed going wrong, she had a smile on her face. She was terrified but prayed amidst the uncertainty and trusted in God.
During the mission trip, as in her daily life, she was a cheerful helper and volunteer. She was always engaging with young students and not allowing the language barrier — something she experienced from moving from Taiwan to the U.S. — to hinder her from communicating her love for them.
CAA is a better place because of Eva and people around the world will be blessed through her life as she prepares to use her gifts to bless others through a ministry in the field of medicine.

Brinley Kendall
Brinley Kendall
Gem State Adventist Academy
Brinley Kendall, GSAA junior, embodies the spirit of what it means to have a caring heart. Anyone asked to describe her would say she is genuine, kind and always willing to go the extra mile. Whether in friendships, school or leadership, Brinley is genuine. When asked to do something, she always follows through. She is a responsible and dependable worker and student. She loves her family, is a good friend and is a lot of fun.
Brinley has blessed GSAA students and staff each Christmas with handwritten personal letters. Brinley currently serves as student association president, which makes two years of holding multiple offices, both for her class and for student association. She also enjoys playing on the Jaguars volleyball team, where she is one of the captains and not only plays hard but is motivated to be her best so that she can help others be their best.
Brinley recently responded to an invitation to give her heart to Jesus publicly, choosing to be baptized the same day. Brinley’s journey has already included so much genuine care for others and thoughtfulness in life. With this decision and a continued walk with Jesus, her capacity to share His love will only increase. When she finishes at GSAA, Brinley is looking toward possibly studying nursing or a related medical path where her caring personality can shine.

Shaina Heinrich
Shaina Heinrich
Livingstone Adventist Academy
Shaina Heinrich, LAA junior, makes you feel at home. She brings a warm and caring spirit to those around her, often sharing smiles and jokes. She can be found singing, “Never Gonna Give You Up” just to bring a smile to others’ faces.
Shaina is secretary-treasurer for the associated students of LAA. This year, she helped the team welcome students on the first day of school, served pancakes after Christmas break and facilitated pen pals between the elementary and high school students.
She rings in the handbell group and always shows up with vitality and energy when she rings. She often volunteers to help with other parts of the church services like reading, playing piano and more.
At her home church, Shaina is a greeter and often helps with VBS, helping people feel welcome. She has a generous spirit, sharing freely with everyone around her.

Karolina Kimbrough
Karolina Kimbrough
Milo Adventist Academy
Karolina Kimbrough, MAA senior, came to MAA her junior year and immediately jumped to work at sharing her skills and desire to serve others through being a class officer and a praise team member. She is always finding ways to connect and help others by listening to and supporting her dorm mates and friends.
These traits carried over to Karolina’s senior year as she continued serving her class as an officer and taking on the role of dorm chaplain, where she nightly visits girls in the dorm and listens to their needs. She also helped plan Sunday evening dorm worship and inspired the girls with short devotional thoughts.
Karolina’s impact on helping others grew even beyond MAA in summer 2023 when she led a special robotics camp at Big Lake. Karolina was the head of the program, and the campers who went through the program experienced her kind gentleness as she assisted people.
As Karolina finalizes her plans beyond MAA, it appears that WWU is her likely direction, along with physical therapy as her final career goal. MAA is grateful for the lasting impression she has made on our home campus and will always be cheering her along as God ultimately leads in her life.

Grace Carter
Grace Carter
Mount Ellis Academy
Grace Carter, MEA four-year senior, has an infectious smile and exuberance for life that she can’t help but share with those around her. From the moment she began her high school career at MEA, she has been all-in.
Through serving young people as ASB president, part of the school chaplaincy group, a class officer, team captain on the soccer field or basketball courts, a friend and on her mission trip to Belize, she demonstrates quiet leadership and a capacity for encouragement and loving others.
One of her greatest desires is to offer encouragement to those around her. She knows school can be difficult as students navigate the complexities of academics, relationships and figuring out who they are created to be. As a counselor at Camp Paxson, she developed a special relationship with her cabin through their daily devotions together and continued to encourage the girls with phone calls, texts and Bible study long after camp ended.
Her passion for Jesus and encouraging others was channeled into her senior project, where she created mini-sermons that she has shared on music tours around Montana Conference, a video worship talk that will be shared with Montana elementary schools and a full sermon that she will be preaching at the Mount Ellis Academy Church. Her caring heart brings glory to God and joy to others.
She plans to attend WWU next year to study theology and continue to share her love of Jesus with the world around her.

Roger Ortiz
Roger Ortiz
Portland Adventist Academy
In every way, Roger Ortiz lives the Christ-centered and character-driven motto of PAA. Long-time staff note that Roger is one of the happiest and kindest students to walk the halls of PAA. He is always incredibly fun, helpful, positive and enjoyable to be around.
Roger has contagious joy and is a people magnet. He is genuinely funny and people just want to be around him. He's not only a gifted conversationalist but also a non-judgemental listener. This is part of why he is well-loved and respected by his classmates and teachers. He puts everyone he interacts with at ease and makes them feel important and special. Roger is a friend to everyone. No one is left out when Roger is nearby.
In every area Roger becomes involved in, he is the caretaker. Roger finds ways to serve without ever being asked. He takes on responsibilities that ease the burden of others — teachers and students alike. Day after day, without being asked, he just does.
Roger’s presence changes everyone’s experience. Difficulty does not deter him at all. Roger exemplifies tenacity and willingness to learn and work through challenges. Deeply intelligent and thoughtful, his comments and contributions to discussions are valued.
Roger lives every day seeking opportunities to connect with others and be Jesus’ hands and feet to lighten their loads. His caring heart means every one of us will tangibly miss his presence and impact when he graduates.

Vasiliy David Bentsa
Vasiliy Bentsa
Puget Sound Adventist Academy
Vasiliy Bentsa, PSAA senior, was selected by PSAA staff because he exemplifies the requirements for the Caring Heart Award.
Vasiliy is a respected leader on campus and carries a lot of influence among his peers. He is a thoughtful and reflective person. He is an enjoyable person to be around and takes the opportunity to make others feel welcome. As the ASB president this year, he has been effective at involving other students in the activities that his team is responsible for. You can tell that Vasiliy wants people to feel like they belong.
Throughout his four years on campus, he has demonstrated a heart of service countless times. Staff and students have often witnessed these acts of service. He takes the initiative to ask staff and students if help is needed. Vasiliy stands out as a student who truly cares about his school and community. He has made a noticeable impact on PSAA, and he will continue to do so wherever he goes.
For these reasons, PSAA recognizes Vasiliy as this year’s Caring Heart Award recipient.

Keslyn Bennett
Keslyn Bennett
Rogue Valley Adventist Academy
Keslyn Bennett has been part of RVAA her whole life. With her parents, Brad and Yasmin Bennett, devoting their lives to education, she and her sisters, Madelyn and Lauren, have seen firsthand the importance of helping others.
Keslyn participated in the RVAA high school mission trip to India during her junior year and has witnessed to others how that experience changed her life. Seeing those with so little be so happy and joyful in Jesus had an amazing impact on her, and she is actively sharing that with others.
She has spent her summers working at Big Lake Youth Camp and is a part of her church praise team. She often shares her gift of singing during those times. Keslyn has also participated in many community service activities with high school students and helps out at the Medford Adventist Church community service center.
Keslyn will be missed as she moves on to her college life experiences, but no matter where she ends up, others will be blessed just by being helped by her.
Taylan Schwarck
Taylan Schwarck
Skagit Adventist Academy
SAA is pleased to select Taylan Schwarck, SAA senior, as the 2024 recipient of the Caring Heart Award.
Taylan is the person most likely to hold the door open and greet you as you come on campus. He has a heart for service. Any time something needs to be moved or put away, he is the first to offer a hand. During all-school activities, he mixes with the elementary students and encourages their participation. Last year on the 2023 mission trip to Belize, Taylan helped by painting the new lunch room, moving blocks and interacting with the local students.
Another way Taylan shares with staff and students alike is with his cheerful, upbeat spirit. Taylan is a sunny optimist who sees the best in every situation and every person.
Thank you, Taylan, for your unique leadership and for letting God use you.

Angie Buursma
Angie Buursma
Upper Columbia Academy
Angie Buursma, UCA senior, is the epitome of kindness and care, with a heart that gives generously to everyone around her. Over her four years at UCA, she has not only shared her incredible vocal and musical talents but has also emerged as a beacon of leadership and compassion. Angie embodies the values of empathy and kindness that define UCA.
In her role as a resident assistant at Lacey Hall, Angie has been a constant source of support for her residents, always ready to lend a listening ear and offer a comforting presence. When asked what she appreciates most about UCA, Angie's answer is simple yet profound: "the people." Her genuine concern for others shines through in every interaction, making her a trusted confidante and friend to her fellow students.

Clara Isabelle Scully
Clara Scully
Walla Walla Valley Academy
Clara Scully, WVVA four-year senior, attended Rogers Adventist School since kindergarten, so she has spent all of her scholastic endeavors at Walla Walla Valley Adventist Schools. Clara is always found wherever she goes with a smile and a warm greeting to whomever she comes in contact with.
Clara also has a keen eye to see where she can help others. She has been a bright spot on our campus. She describes herself as enthusiastic, kind, inclusive, loving, fun, strong-willed and a little stubborn.
Clara works at WWVA in the maintenance department. Her beautiful and infectious smile is seen all over campus as she helps to keep the WWVA campus clean and in order.
Clara plans to attend WWU but doesn’t know yet what plan God has for her. She only knows that it will be something involving people. She wants to be a mover and to make a difference while helping others.
Clara’s love for people shows in her relationships with her classmates and teachers. One of her teachers describes Clara as one of the most selfless and consistently kind people they have ever known. She is the embodiment of gratitude and strives to show Jesus to everyone she meets. God’s love shows in how Clara treats those around her.
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