John Miller, John Miller Washington Conference literature ministries coordinator By John Miller, John Miller Youth Rush Knocks on 200,000 Western Washington Doors Two Youth Rush participants knocked on a Bellevue, Wash., door this summer and began talking with a lady who wasn't initially interested in buying anything. When she found out they had Christian books, they began a longer conversation.Midway throu... Read more Washington Youth Rush Ministers at 125,000 Doors During a 10-week period, 24 Washington Youth Rush participants knocked on about 125,000 doors in the Greater Seattle area.In a year of economic uncertainty, God helped the team to distribute even more literature than in previous summers. Students ... Read more
Youth Rush Knocks on 200,000 Western Washington Doors Two Youth Rush participants knocked on a Bellevue, Wash., door this summer and began talking with a lady who wasn't initially interested in buying anything. When she found out they had Christian books, they began a longer conversation.Midway throu... Read more
Washington Youth Rush Ministers at 125,000 Doors During a 10-week period, 24 Washington Youth Rush participants knocked on about 125,000 doors in the Greater Seattle area.In a year of economic uncertainty, God helped the team to distribute even more literature than in previous summers. Students ... Read more