Washington Youth Rush Ministers at 125,000 Doors

During a 10-week period, 24 Washington Youth Rush participants knocked on about 125,000 doors in the Greater Seattle area.

In a year of economic uncertainty, God helped the team to distribute even more literature than in previous summers. Students had powerful experiences and saw God answer their prayers day after day.

Katie Griggs from Lacey, Wash., began her canvass at one door in Sedro-Woolley, Wash. Griggs began her canvass and the woman interrupted to gesture that she was deaf. Griggs, the only Youth Rush team member with American Sign Language knowledge, switched to signing and the woman selected two books.

Christin Bange, a Weimar College student, discovered a discouraged door-to-door salesman in Ferndale, Wash. Bange invited the salesman to follow her for 30 minutes and he was amazed at how she interacted with people and dealt with rejections. The salesman ended up buying The Great Controversy.

Throughout the summer, Washington Youth Rush participants found 165 Bible study interests, 109 Revelation seminar interests, 106 Vacation Bible School interests, 69 stop smoking interests and 201 cooking school interests. In all, they distributed 12,969 pieces of literature and prayed with thousands of people.

A full collection of Youth Rush stories are available at washingtonconference.org/yr.

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Featured in: November 2011
