Cheryl Wren, Cheryl Wren WWVA development and marketing director By Cheryl Wren, Cheryl Wren WWVA Seniors Elect Officers Recently Walla Walla Valley Academy selected the 2004 senior class officers. From left: (front) Sarah Grizzell, spiritual vice president; Rachel Smith, treasurer; Katie Woolever, social vice president; Maranda Norton, secretary; (middle) Tyler Mor... Read more Walla Walla Valley Academy Alternative Learning Center It’s about each student’s potential, whether high achievers or those who struggle academically. Many schools boast about the students who excel academically, winning awards and scholarships, and we, too, have our share of shining pupils at Walla W... Read more
WWVA Seniors Elect Officers Recently Walla Walla Valley Academy selected the 2004 senior class officers. From left: (front) Sarah Grizzell, spiritual vice president; Rachel Smith, treasurer; Katie Woolever, social vice president; Maranda Norton, secretary; (middle) Tyler Mor... Read more
Walla Walla Valley Academy Alternative Learning Center It’s about each student’s potential, whether high achievers or those who struggle academically. Many schools boast about the students who excel academically, winning awards and scholarships, and we, too, have our share of shining pupils at Walla W... Read more