LeadOut Ministries

Hundreds of WWU students have been involved in LeadOut Ministries since it was launched by Troy Fitzgerald to provide inspirational and educational resources for churches, schools and communities.

Under the direction of Fitzgerald, University Church youth and collegiate pastor, LeadOut has provided authors and editors to create materials for the General Conference. The most recent project for the General Conference is five devotional books for young adults.

Alex Lemnah, senior English major, is a lead editor for the project. Lemnah is developing skills in editing, communication, blogging and teamwork. “LeadOut inspires me to be an advocate for love and to positively impact, in simple ways, those with whom I have contact,” says Lemnah.

A LeadOut book about the 28 fundamental beliefs, Roundabout Faith, was originally created in Fitzgerald’s Christian Beliefs class at WWU. The Facing the Son resource was developed when 16 students in his Ministry of Jesus class focused their study on 16 character qualities they love about Jesus.

LeadOut also provides training for students in tutoring, mentoring and community service outreach. Lauren Heinrich, sophomore business administration major, works with high school students as a youth ministries specialist doing deliberate acts of kindness in the community. Last December, LeadOut hosted several leadership camps for public schools.

“All this is done to employ and deploy students to work for the cause of Christ while they are in school,” says Fitzgerald. The University Church has always integrated students in the ministry of the church in one way or another. “It’s just what we do,” he says. “We have work to do, and the students are good at it.”

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Featured in: January 2015
