Mike Maldonado, Mike Maldonado Monroe Church pastor By Mike Maldonado, Mike Maldonado Monroe Congregation Hosts Multi-Denominational Prayer Service in New Facility When you have a brand-new church facility, it's natural to want to show it off.Instead of just hosting an open house, members of the Monroe (Wash.) Church opened up their facilities for a multi-denominational prayer and praise service.Four times a... Read more Monroe Rings In Christmas with Baptism As part of their Christmas celebration, the Monroe (Wash.) Church welcomed into membership Sean Crewse and Danny Morse through baptism. Crewse attends Kirkland Adventist School, and Morse followed his wife, Sandra, who was baptized two years ago i... Read more
Monroe Congregation Hosts Multi-Denominational Prayer Service in New Facility When you have a brand-new church facility, it's natural to want to show it off.Instead of just hosting an open house, members of the Monroe (Wash.) Church opened up their facilities for a multi-denominational prayer and praise service.Four times a... Read more
Monroe Rings In Christmas with Baptism As part of their Christmas celebration, the Monroe (Wash.) Church welcomed into membership Sean Crewse and Danny Morse through baptism. Crewse attends Kirkland Adventist School, and Morse followed his wife, Sandra, who was baptized two years ago i... Read more