Connections Church of Yakima Hosts Vacation Bible School

Connections Church of Yakima, Wash., hosted a Vacation Bible School July 7–11 with the help of His Travelers, a group of traveling VBS leaders from the Upper Columbia Conference. The theme, “Wilderness Escape,” focused on God’s loving provision for His people Israel after leaving Egypt and how we can trust Him to care for us too.

The first night's opening time of 6 p.m. came, but children didn’t. The leaders gathered to pray for little ones to come and be blessed and then waited expectantly in their costumes. Praise the Lord, within moments, children started to trickle in. Most subsequent nights 12–15 children attended; some were church members, and many were from the community, their parents lured by the two hours of free childcare.

Fun was had by all, and despite a heat wave that made the upper rooms stifling, the children were unfazed. They excitedly went from station to station, learning Bible stories from “Moses” and “the Wilderness Whiner,” crossing through the hallway of the Red Sea (complete with blue lighting and whale sounds), and collecting popcorn manna.

By the end of the week, children from all backgrounds were shouting what they had learned: “God knows what we need, so trust God!” In that exclamation, the event’s success was evident. 

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Featured in: October 2014


Kelsey Freeman

writes from Yakima, Wash., where she and her husband, Jared, attend the Yakima Adventist Church.