Klamath Falls Holds Prophecy Seminar

The Klamath Falls Church was blessed with a four-week prophecy seminar presented by Jason Morgan, a North Pacific Union evangelist, as part of its ongoing discipleship ministry. From the end of February through most of March, members and guests met five nights each week to hear amazing presentations from the Bible. Morgan wove the entire plan of salvation into the messages, using passages from all the books of the Bible. Completely Bible-based documentation of all the topics was a great inspiration to those attending. A multimedia presentation added interest and understanding to each subject. At the end of the seminar, people with further questions were encouraged to take advantage of private appointment times with Morgan and Steve Dayen, Klamath Falls Church pastor. 

Several people will continue to take more Bible studies with the local Bible worker and study with new members during a special pastor’s Sabbath School class. The class is using In Step With Jesus, a complete one-year study plan for new members.

Morgan’s daughter, Abigail, led the children’s program each evening. Along with several helpers, she kept the children busy and happy learning about Jesus. 

The church was blessed with an impressive attendance from the community and the church family. Members were thrilled to have 16 baptisms, which included three rebaptisms and 13 new members who were added as a result of the seminar. Some of those who were baptized had been preparing for this step before the series began, as they had been studying with Linda Dayen, Klamath Basin District Bible worker. Each one was presented with a baptismal gift basket filled with books and goodies from the church family. A special church-wide fellowship dinner was held at the conclusion of the series, which provided a great time for everyone to get acquainted.

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Featured in: June 2014
