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Belfair Recollections

Thank you for posting information about the Belfair Church that is near and dear to my husband's and my heart. We love that little church, and God blessed us with being there at a time when we really needed them. God bless you all. — Gene and Kelly Kimball

Fear Not

Thank you so much for your article ["Fear," Let's Talk, January 2014]. It resonated with my childhood experience in fear of the "time of the end." In turn I avoided this subject altogether with my children, which I'm not sure is any better. Falling in love with Jesus and trusting Him completely should be the goal. With Him as our friend we have nothing to fear in the future! — Cindy Jackson

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Don Gray's Obituary

What a great article by Randy Gray on his dad! I knew Don Gray for most of my life. He was a tireless worker for the Lord with his evangelism, but he also truly lived out his beliefs in his day-to-day actions. Whenever our family or anyone in it faced challenges, such as the death of my dad, he was there for us. He not only was an incredible whirlwind of activity right up until the end, he always found the time to personally connect. This world and church has lost a great man, but I have no doubt that many have found their God through him. — David Nutter

The Record Keeper Update

Thanks for sharing about this project. It's encouraging to hear the hearts of the people behind the scenes. As I read what motivated them to go to all the effort of creating this series, it made me proud to be part of a church that really would take big risks for the sake of the kingdom. I look forward to seeing the full series. I hope it will be released on schedule and uncut. How exciting to use cutting-edge technologies to tell HIS story to those who have yet to hear. — Richie Brower

I'm glad to see the church using parables again. Web distribution allows for greater flexibility in viewing than broadcast television and enables sharing through social media. If non-Adventists are intrigued by the steampunk settings and want to share that aspect of the film, that's wonderful! Hopefully they'll also get engrossed in the story and learn the truth about the war between good and evil. And let's not discount the value of giving creative individuals an opportunity to apply their talents to God's work. — Wally Schmidt

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Featured in: March 2014
