
Correctness or Compassion?

I was saddened to read Lee Roy Holmes' letter [November 2013] regarding [the article "Beyond Belief Revisited," September 2013]. He states the church has "already gone too far in accommodating" those who might have arrived at different conclusions about "biblical correctness of the church's beliefs." With that prevailing attitude, is it a small wonder those who have left find little reason to return? What happened to love in this scenario? I'm not seeing it at all ... . What I do see is, "If you want to come back to us, you need to accept our absolute correctness." How different might be the results if returnees were warmly welcomed, with whatever differences they might bring, to join in the worship of the Lord.

Charlene Knoop, Pateros, Wash.

Perfect Timing

I am considering writing a daunting book addressing a difficult topic. Your piece "Speechless" [Let’s Talk, October 2013] impacted my process. [In fact, I had begun] to ask myself, "Who do you think you are to write on this topic, when your story of abuse is so pale compared to what so many have endured?" This morning I happened to turn to an old Gleaner to finish the articles I wanted to read and came across the "Speechless" piece. I believe it was an ordained moment, as it was just what I needed. I was reminded of Moses and Aaron all over again and about God's power to give us the words we need when we need them. And your words for me this morning arrived at just the right time.

Cheri Armstrong, Athena, Ore.

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Featured in: January 2014
