United Prayer Comes to UCA A Little Twist to Week of Prayer

Upper Columbia Academy’s (UCA) October Week of Prayer was something new for everyone. Normally students attend two meetings a day for a week. This time, however, the first meeting of the day was entirely dedicated to prayer. Tiana Woods, from ARME (Adventist Revival Movement for the Endtime) Bible Camp, came to show students how to actively strengthen their prayer life. United prayer was something almost unheard of on campus at the start of the week, but by the end, groups just couldn’t wait for the meetings to pray broke off into their own groups to share in united prayer.

This form of praying allows all the people in a group to pray aloud and share their struggles and praises with God and each other. To streamline the prayers, there is a certain format the groups follow: adoration, confession, supplication and thanksgiving. What results is a balanced prayer that the students lift up to the Lord together.

The evening meetings were more like Week of Prayer meetings. Lawrence Thompson, a recent graduate of Amazing Facts, spoke to students about prayer and the impact it had on his life. He shared his testimony in bits and pieces throughout the week about how God lifted him out of depression, drugs and sin using prayer. United prayer specifically was what helped him connect with God in a new way and turn his life around. Thompson had only spoken publicly once or twice before doing the week of prayer talks. Going through the story of Jonah, students learned to be aware of their surroundings, trust God and listen to what He has to say.

The week caused a spiritual revival on campus. Sarina Meservia, freshman, was re-baptized on Sabbath, and many other students vowed to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord. Tara Jennings, sophomore, took initiative to put together a spiritual meeting called 15 Minutes with God. A large number of students are involved in a group they call ROC (Revival on Campus) Ministries. All over campus, students are praying and encouraging one another and working to make this special week last all year.

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Featured in: February 2012
