Sutherlin Adventist Christian School Opens

Aug. 24, marked the opening of the Sutherlin (Ore.) Adventist Christian School. The school has a long history in the community, dating back to 1919. Three years ago, much to everyone's regret, the school was forced to close its doors because of a lack of students. Through an exercise of faith, members of the church decided to go forward with plans to reopen even though the economy had not yet begun to improve. After much prayer, it was decided to offer pre-school and grades K–9. Rocky Gale, pastor, and Dianna Mohr, head teacher, had experience when it came to reopening schools. Mohr relocated from California and worked tirelessly through the summer meeting with parents and finding out what could be done to help send their children to school.

A date for general cleanup and repair prior to the opening of school was set for Aug. 14, and more than 40 people from the church showed up to help. They worked tirelessly through the day, both inside the building, on the grounds, and the playground area. Even the local news channel, KPIC, came to interview Mohr and take pictures of the classrooms and building. As of Aug. 24, opening day of school, there were five pre-school children and 18 in grades K–8 enrolled. The Sutherlin Church family wishes to thank everyone who put forth effort to help in this endeavor. When we put our faith in God, all things are possible. The opening of Sutherlin Adventist Christian School is living example.

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Featured in: November 2011
