If I Can Do It So Can You

These are Brody Schillo's words from Billing, Mont. He believes in Matthew 19:26 "With God all things are possible."

As an 11-year-old boy was one of the 15 National Geographic winners for 2011, Schillo says "I won this essay, but it is most important to be on God's winning team. In order to win you have to try and then believe you can do it. When you are being interviewed just tell it from your heart and you won't get nervous or scared. That was easy for I have always enjoyed looking for all the amazing creatures and all of nature's objects that God created. There is no end to their variety. Looking closely will open a whole world beyond your wildest imagination. Most people are too preoccupied to notice these fantastic splendors. It's important to study how God created everything there is. This is easier made possible when you are either home-schooled or getting an education in a church school. God should get the credit and the glory because He created nature – thus making it possible for me to explore it. My Dad and I got to be in the Cayman Island for a week. This included exploring the bottom of the ocean in a submarine; caves on the island; scuba diving and studying the natural habits on the island. The plan for National Geographic contestants for next year will get the come to Montana. The most important thing I want everyone to remember is: There is not just one winner with God, but everyone can be a winner."

Here is a link to the article that ran in the Billings Gazette, http://billingsgazette.com/news/local/article_324bd3c0-f97a-589d-8c58-726fa7501340.html

Click on the link to see more photos on the Billings Gazette website http://billingsgazette.com/news/local/collection_08829039-0aa9-577c-8836-2b7a98943771.html#0

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Featured in: November 2011