FYI - January 2009

NPUC Welcomes Torkelsen as President

The North Pacific Union Conference is pleased to welcome Max Torkelsen II as NPUC president. Torkelsen fills the position left vacant since the death of Jere Patzer, former president, in Oct. 2008.

Torkelsen and Patzer worked closely together for six years in the Upper Columbia Conference, in Spokane, Wash. Torkelsen succeeded Patzer as president when Patzer left for the NPUC in 1996. Torkelsen replaces Patzer once again. He is not the first Torkelsen to fill this position. His father, Max C. Torkelsen, served as NPUC president from 1976 to 1980.

Torkelsen brings extensive pastoral and church administrative experience to his new role. Following graduation from Pacific Union College in 1972 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology, he pastored in the Oregon Conference for two years before taking a two-year break to acquire a master's in church administration from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich. Later he obtained a master's of public health degree from Loma Linda University.

He served as a pastor in the Oregon Conference from 1975–1979, and in the UCC from 1987–1989. In 1989 Torkelsen accepted the position of UCC communication director, a position held until becoming president in 1996.

Torkelsen and his wife, Linnea, have two grown, married daughters, Analisa and Kirsten, who make their homes in Portland, Ore. His brother, Monte, is Oregon Conference youth director.

Torkelsen says "Linnea and I look forward to this new responsibility with a sense of gratitude and great humility. We have seen God's divine plan at work through our Adventist members and churches in the Northwest, and we look forward to making continued strides for Him in the exciting days ahead."

New Format for 2009 Broadcast

Beginning this month all Voice of Prophecy broadcasts will be new programs, featuring a new on-air team. Weekend broadcasts will feature Fred Kinsey, pastor and speaker/director, with Connie Vandeman Jeffery, co-host. They will share scriptural messages as well as interviews with authors, mission workers and others. The daily broadcast will feature Mike Tucker, pastor, and Elizabeth Talbot, pastor, in great conversations about the Bible.

All VOP broadcasts are available to listen or to download online. For more information, visit:

Livesay Next Lake Union President

Don Livesay is leaving his post as Oregon Conference president to serve as the next Lake Union president, beginning in January. After prayerful consideration and renewed interest from Lake Union, Livesay accepted the invitation.

Livesay reflected, “We are convicted that God is calling us to serve in Lake Union--however, it will be extremely difficult for Barbara and I to part from our wonderful Oregon Conference family. Our 12½ years here have been an exceptional blessing to us.

The Oregon Conference has begun the process of selecting a new president.

Oprah Recognizes Blue Zone Adventists

Those vibrant centenarians from Loma Linda (Calif.) continue to turn heads in the national media. Most recently they were featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show (Nov. 25–26, 2008) during a special report on Blue Zones, areas of the world with significantly longer-than-average life spans. Experts attribute their longevity to Adventist principles on diet, which include abstaining from drinking, smoking, meat and dairy products. In addition, the sense of purpose derived from religious activity, volunteering for service organizations and relationships with other believers promote an extended quality of life.

The Advent Movement

Paul Cole is the interim director of Portland Adventist Community Services.

Doug Elsey left his position as pastor and chaplain at Mt. Ellis Academy to pastor the New Haven (Kan.) Church in the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.

Jon Griebel is the new Kelso-Longview (Wash.) Church associate pastor. He was previously the Orangevale (Calif.) Church associate pastor.

Mike Maldonado left the Monroe (Wash.) Church for a pastoral position at the Colorado Springs (Colo.) Church in December 2008.

Jesse Sacdalan became pastor for the Ferndale (Wash.), Everson (Wash.) and Lummi (Wash.) churches in December 2008. Sacdalan comes from Andrews University.

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