Washington Women Pray for the Holy Spirit

Ever wonder what 400 women pray for? If you listened to the prayer requests shared at the conclusion of the annual Washington Conference women's ministry day program this spring, you would have heard requests for non-believing spouses, healing in marriages, clarity in decisions, help for sons and daughters, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

"Our theme is Let it Rain because we are like plants that need to grow," explains Wilma Bing, event coordinator. "Seeds need rain to germinate, bloom and grow into beautiful flowers—this is what the Holy Spirit does in our lives."

Hyveth Williams, Campus Hill Church (in Loma Linda, Calif.) senior pastor, based her keynote presentations on Joel 2 about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Acts 2 where the Holy Spirit comes during Pentecost.

"Pentecost happened because the disciples didn't have cell phones so Jesus could call them and say, ‘Hey, I arrived safely [in heaven],’" says Williams. "The Holy Spirit is still flowing down through generations to pour out showers of blessing on us. God gave you a sunny day today so when you say, 'Let it rain,' you can really mean it."

Washington Conference women's ministries adopted two ministries last year where two women are showing every day that just one person can make a difference.

Women who attended the women's spring day this year made two contributions—food donations for Maranatha Church's search and rescue ministry run by Carolyn Brown; and $7,800 in monetary donations for Paula Leen's two orphanages in Zimbabwe—demonstrating the power of working together for God's kingdom.

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Featured in: June 2008