Baptism Kendra LeBrun

Kendra LeBrun was baptized on her 12th birthday, Dec. 8, 2007, at the Northport (Wash.) Church. To prepare for her baptism, she studied the Baptism Manual for Junior Youth, published in the 1960s, and the In His Steps lessons. She also learned things from her Sabbath School lessons Young Disciple. LeBrun studies her Bible every day, which she has done for a long time. She recently finished helping with children's meetings at her church's evangelistic meetings, where she gave several presentations. LeBrun looked forward to baptism for a long time. She selected Isaiah 43:1–3 to be read at her baptism, and requested that the congregation sing "Now I Belong to Jesus" as she was coming out of the water. LeBrun and her parents sang "Now I Walk with Jesus." The sermon that day focused on Exodus 32:26, which asks the question, "Who is on the Lord's side?", emphasizing our need to take a stand for Christ.

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Featured in: April 2008
