'I'll Go' Lives Transformed in Lacey

When Terry and Elke Tanner were living in Vienna, Austria, Elke received a postcard inviting her to learn more about the Bible. She studied for more than three years.

After the Tanners moved to the United States in 2000, Elke missed her Bible studies. When she received a flyer for a prophecy seminar, she decided to attend. Everything she studied came together and a few weeks later, she was baptized at the Lacey Church. Meanwhile, Terry still had no interest in religious matters, so Elke asked her church family to pray for him.

"If they had a place to put prayer requests, Terry's name went in there," Elke says with a laugh. "Terry had no idea. I sent his name to KACS radio; Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor; HOPE TV; camp meetings in Hope, British Columbia, Canada; and 3ABN."

The prayers worked. In January 2007, Terry began reading his Bible and also attended the Snapshots of the Savior seminar.

After watching a baptism at church, Terry decided to be baptized and began studies. In August 2007, the weekend of his baptism, Gayle Lasher, Washington Conference Bible worker, presented a seminar. She asked for volunteers to respond to two interest cards. Terry raised his hand and said, "I'll go." Hours after his baptism, Terry was out practicing Matthew 28: "Go ye..into all the world."

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Featured in: February 2008
