Lay and Satellite Reaping

Lay and Satellite Reaping

Bring your friends to reaping meetings to help them make decisions they will be proud of for eternity. If meetings are not scheduled soon then hold your own meetings in a living room or alternate location using DVD or PowerPoint materials. Many churches are hosting an eight-night satellite reaping series from the Seattle area, April 21–28, with Ron Halvorsen Sr., on the Hope Channel. “Wow! I never understood the importance of the Second Coming of Jesus and the Sabbath until I preached it myself!” The church youth talked about their Bible meetings that prepared the way for a short satellite series by an experienced evangelist who told fascinating stories and invited the people attending to make decisions for Jesus in every area of their lives. “When I saw the baptism,” one youth said, “I decided to do this every semester if I can.” Just before his baptism a man shared his testimony. “My co-worker invited me to come to these Bible meetings. I’ve always had questions about death, where the world was headed and how to find a break in a hectic week. I’ve got the Bible answers now, and I found a group of people who have the same hope I’ve discovered. When that preacher on the screen invited me to become one of God’s faithful last-days people, I signed up for baptism.” There is no substitute for preaching the benefits of Bible truths to people who haven’t heard, then inviting them to make decisions. The New Testament tells us that Jesus preached, the apostles preached, the “seventy” preached, the deacons preached; in fact, every believer preached. Why? Because the only way people will be able to hear and believe the gospel and be saved is through preaching, even if the preaching seems like foolishness. When Jesus is preached properly, all the Bible doctrines will be covered, including salvation, the Sabbath, the sanctuary, spiritual gifts, the Scriptures, stewardship and the Second Coming of Jesus. And when a Bible doctrine is presented properly, the people will see a beautiful picture of Jesus.1 When are the next reaping meetings scheduled for your church or school? How are you planning to be involved? 1. Ellen. G. White, Evangelism, 184–193.

Bring your friends to reaping meetings to help them make decisions they will be proud of for eternity. If meetings are not scheduled soon then hold your own meetings in a living room or alternate location using DVD or PowerPoint materials. Many churches are hosting an eight-night satellite reaping series from the Seattle area, April 21–28, with Ron Halvorsen Sr., on the Hope Channel.

“Wow! I never understood the importance of the Second Coming of Jesus and the Sabbath until I preached it myself!” The church youth talked about their Bible meetings that prepared the way for a short satellite series by an experienced evangelist who told fascinating stories and invited the people attending to make decisions for Jesus in every area of their lives. “When I saw the baptism,” one youth said, “I decided to do this every semester if I can.”

Just before his baptism a man shared his testimony. “My co-worker invited me to come to these Bible meetings. I’ve always had questions about death, where the world was headed and how to find a break in a hectic week. I’ve got the Bible answers now, and I found a group of people who have the same hope I’ve discovered. When that preacher on the screen invited me to become one of God’s faithful last-days people, I signed up for baptism.”

There is no substitute for preaching the benefits of Bible truths to people who haven’t heard, then inviting them to make decisions. The New Testament tells us that Jesus preached, the apostles preached, the “seventy” preached, the deacons preached; in fact, every believer preached. Why? Because the only way people will be able to hear and believe the gospel and be saved is through preaching, even if the preaching seems like foolishness.

When Jesus is preached properly, all the Bible doctrines will be covered, including salvation, the Sabbath, the sanctuary, spiritual gifts, the Scriptures, stewardship and the Second Coming of Jesus. And when a Bible doctrine is presented properly, the people will see a beautiful picture of Jesus.1

When are the next reaping meetings scheduled for your church or school? How are you planning to be involved?

1. Ellen. G. White, Evangelism, 184–193.

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Featured in: April 2007



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