Image Credit: Stephen Carlile

Montana Plans Practical Camp Meeting

Where can you go this summer and attend “how-to” workshops for making stone arrowheads, leading small group Bible studies, making sourdough bread, fly-fishing, crocheting, social media witnessing, sermon preparation, metal detecting, natural remedies, watercolor painting, plant-based cooking, CPR certification and much more? 

If your answer is Montana Camp Meeting, you are correct! From one-of-a-kind, wholistic living workshops to great speakers and music, this year’s camp meeting will be bursting with faith, fellowship, food and fun. Montana leaders invite you to come and experience it. John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, will be the evening and Sabbath morning keynote speaker. 

The children and youth divisions are planning special activities to inspire your kids and grandkids to love Jesus more and serve God faithfully. Terry Johnsson, special guest, will share his testimony, “From Schoolroom Failure to White House Honor Guard.” Prayers for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are being lifted as the community gathers on July 10–13 at Mount Ellis Academy to worship God and deepen in love for Him and others.

This year won’t just be camp meeting. It will be camp meeting — Montana style.

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Featured in: May/June 2024

