A Dream, a Demon and a Promise

It all started in January when I filled out an application for a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The last time I had gone on a mission trip I had almost lost my job so I struggled with whether or not to go and decided I wouldn’t go.

That evening I dreamed that Richard Parker, Upper Columbia Conference youth director, told me that I needed to go to the Dominican Republic, stating that God wanted to use me on this trip.

About a month later Pastor Parker came to Walla Walla Valley Academy and told me he wanted me to speak for an evangelistic series. I prayed about it, talked to my parents and boss, and decided, yes, God was calling me to go.

I did preach a series of meetings using the New Beginnings seminar materials. On one of the Sabbaths, during a baptism, I witnessed a young lady step into the baptismal pool as a demon took control of her body. She was thrown into the water, and the pastor had to use all of his strength to get her into the position for baptism. Finally, he put his hand into the air and said, “I now baptize you in the name of the Father…”—she shook—“…in the name of the Son…”—she shook again— “…and in the name of the Holy Spirit.” At every mention of Jesus’ name, the demon shook the girl. At last she was under the water with Jesus in control, and the demon fled.

After the meeting the girl came up to me and gave me a big hug. She attended every meeting from then on with her baptismal certificate in one hand and her Bible in the other. She knew that she had Jesus in her heart and that the devil could no longer control her life. She was free!

Even though the devil was strong, just the name of Jesus was more powerful. Through this experience it became real to me that Jesus will overcome the devil anytime, as long as we allow Him to.

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Featured in: June 2003
