"I have found peace in coming to I think that everyone should know about it. Thanks.”

“I really like the stories. I hope you have some new ones next week. Bye!!!!”

These comments are just a few of the many that stream into the ( office every week. Launched on October 31, 2002, this Web site shares the hope of Jesus as found in Scripture with grade-school age children. (, a global evangelistic Web project of the Upper Columbia Conference, was never designed specifically for children, although many frequent the site. For several years it has been the desire of to provide a graphic-rich site targeted to children.

Barna Research recently released data demonstrating that children five to 13 years of age have a 32 percent probability of accepting Jesus as their Savior. However, when they reach 14 years of age that probability drops to only four percent!1 Since children are very computer literate, seeks to utilize this wonderful window of opportunity for the cause of Christ.

Although originally slated for launch later this year, the date was accelerated when the Review and Herald Publishing Assocation published 800,000 booklets last fall with the logo for distribution at Halloween. It was felt that something should be available and so the “Sneak Peak” edition was launched.

The response has been far greater than anticipated. Analysis of the site traffic during the first five months of operation reveals that has received more than half a million hits with more than 30,000 unique visitors from 111 countries. With the site written only in English, we praise God for the global penetration He has given in such a short time span.

Brent Hardinge, webmaster, says, “The Sneak Peak edition is just a small representation of a much bigger dream. We anticipate having a lot more Bible topics, character-building stories, Bible games, and interactive Bible studies—all in a graphically rich and multi-lingual environment. We also plan to provide a means for those who love the Lord to interact with the children who visit the site.”

This ministry is made possible by the generous donations of many individuals and organizations. A liberal donation from the Northwest chapter of Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) in 2002 made the early launch possible. We are grateful to the many authors and creators of children’s Bible-oriented materials. They have donated a wealth of lessons and stories that now await formatting for the Web as time and resources allow.

It is thrilling and rewarding to read the responses from visitors to this site as they share from a child’s perspective the desires of their hearts. Listen to one more:

"Hi, I would like to know how to preach to a friend that doesn't know God in a spiritual way. I have a friend at school that doesn't know God and I really want to preach to her in a way that she can understand. Thank you for reading."

Children are the foundation upon which rests the future. The desire of staff and volunteers is to help them build their lives on the real foundation, Jesus Christ. •

1 > Research Archives > Evangelism

Fred Hardinge is the Upper Columbia Conference health ministries and director and writes from Spokane, Washington.

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Featured in: June 2003
