Why in the World Are We Doing This?

We had gotten up at an unearthly hour to catch the plane for the long trip to the Dominican Republic. We were the advance group making the arrangements for our 160 NPUC youth and adults that would be participating in the Las Americas para Cristo, The Americas for Christ satellite evangelism initiative during spring break. When we arrived it was dark and rainy. The people that were to pick us up weren’t there and I said to myself, “Why am I doing this?

But as we began to work we also began to see God’s intervention in the typical “miracles” that every short-term missionary has learned to expect. Not the least of which was the harmony of so many different personalities teaming with the locals to sing, visit, preach, build and pray. It became evident that the total impact was much greater than the sum of the individual parts. 

The team consisted of students and sponsors from five academies, Walla Walla College, and numerous church members. But those were just the on-site members. Behind the scenes were many other entities each sharing their gifts of support: Pacific Press Publishing Association, Lightbearers Ministry, The Quiet Hour, Voice of Prophecy and Faith Adventures. Additionally there were generous individuals contributing money for the general operating budget or to sponsor students. Much of that money would not be given if it were not for this outreach.

Appreciation from World Leadership

A few days ago I was at the General Conference office where I saw Ron Watts, Southern Asia Division president. He gave me this thrilling report regarding the work in India. He stated that because of the NPUC Global Mission initiatives in that country they have had to create a brand new Mission comprised of 80 new churches and 10,000 members! Praise the Lord! This is incredible. And Inter-America and India are only two of the world divisions in which Northwest members have had a significant impact.

That’s Why

Sue and I were in Idaho and slipped into the Nampa Spanish Church where they were watching the tape-delayed satellite signal from our meetings. As I observed myself preaching I had the unique experience of watching as local people stood up and went forward to the screen in response to my call for a decision. We saw the power of the gospel through the use of technology even here in the U.S.  It touched my heart to know that God is indeed using our combined efforts.

So, why are we doing this? It is still true that the inspired concept of the reflex action, which is that the best way to strengthen the home field is to invest in foreign missions, is valid. Northwest people are making an incredible difference overseas and in the lives of us here at home. Thank you for your ongoing support of missions. As you read the special report starting on page 13 in this GLEANER, know that you had a part in making it happen. And I believe that you will know why in the world we are doing this.

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Featured in: June 2003



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