Omak Church Celebrates 80th Anniversary

Members and visitors—a crowd of about 150—gathered June 22 in Omak, Wash., to celebrate the church’s 80th anniversary.

Bannered by the theme “Welcome Home,” participants traced the Omak congregation’s history back to 1912, when the first Adventist families began meeting in Conconully and Pine Creek.

Several years later, after meetings by evangelists Cady and Munro, R. H. Martin officially organized the church in 1922.

Members began building the congregation’s first church building, known as the “Little White Church,” under the leadership of Otto Schnepper, in 1930.

They met in the basement while completing the building—dedicated May 23, 1942. It was replaced in 1979, under the leadership of Pastor Randy Barlow and with the help of Maranatha Volunteers builders.

Because it was completed in such a short time, debt-free, it became known as the “Miracle Church” and was dedicated May 10, 1980.

Anniversary Events

To commemorate 80 years of ministry, members hosted an all-day celebration. Many friends attended, including Conference President Max Torkelsen II and wife Linnea, and several former pastors from as far away as Billings, Mont., Lambert, Mont., and Lake Tahoe, Calif.

Pastor Gary Bullard (1985-1991), now at Lents Adventist Church in Portland, Ore., led the lesson study. Pastor Barlow (1979-1985), now in Billings, gave the morning message, titled “Christian Home, Church Home, Heavenly Home.”

After a fellowship meal, participants shared church history and memories, interspersed with music. Later in the afternoon, the young-at-heart went on a topsy-turvy hike, had a strawberry shortcake supper, and ended the day with a short vespers.

“A big thank-you to all who were able to attend, making the weekend a success,” says Jennifer Hoffpauir, local treasurer. “Those who were unable to attend were in our prayers. We missed you. May our next reunion be in our heavenly home, where we can all be together forever with Jesus.” •

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Featured in: September 2002
