Village Church Dedicates Digital Cameras

Ten-plus years ago, a seed was planted in the hearts and minds of pastors and parishioners of the College Place, Wash., Village Church—an idea that has developed into Village Church Television (VCTV) Ministries.

Each week, an all-volunteer technical crew televises the Village Church’s Sabbath worship service, live, through Blue Mountain Broadcasting (a separate, local broadcasting company).

Each television production requires from 12 to 15 technical crew members. After its live transmission, the programs are edited for re-broadcasting on Sunday morning and Thursday evening and shared with other television markets. VCTV Ministries also records musicals and ministerial endeavors for broadcasting.

Recent acquisition and dedication of three new cameras came in response to important factors: VCTV was no longer able to find replacement parts for its ailing cameras, and the industry has moved entirely from analog to digital equipment.

Beginning with $62,312 of the $114,057 needed for the new cameras, VCTV reached its fund-raising goal and recently bought new Sony digital television cameras.

On Friday evening, May 24, at the invitation of Richard Daley, producer, John Wiebe, associate producer, and Lee Venden, local lead pastor, television crew members and local pastors participated in a camera-dedication service.

VCTV staff gathered on the Village Church platform with the equipment, and Pastor Venden began the service with prayer, followed by a responsive reading, “The Lord’s Work.”

After singing “We Are an Offering” and “Be Glorified,” accompanied by Pastor Dan Solis on guitar, the group knelt, while Pastor Steve Walikonis asked the Lord to bless the use of the new cameras.

Pastor John Stafford then prayed for the crew, and the group sang two praise choruses.

After the service, the group made its way to the Church’s fellowship room for refreshments, prepared by Barbara Casebolt, production assistant.

More information about the Ministry is available from VCTV Ministries, P.O. Box 205, College Place, WA 99324, email or . •

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Featured in: August 2002