Kathryn Dikeman and Dean Bayless have been baptized and received into membership in the Canby, Ore., Church, after attending a Bible prophecy seminar held at the local public school cafeteria.
The computer-illustrated seminar ran from March to June and was followed by an advanced seminar series.
Steve Cromwell, then local pastor, reported that 20 church members faithfully helped staff the meetings.
Dikeman was able to recapture her childhood Christian faith during the seminar, as her spiritual questions were answered.
“I was able to tie together science and faith,” she said. “I have joined this church because it allows intellectual honesty.”
Bayless had never heard about the seventh-day Sabbath, until 10 years ago his mother began attending the Gladstone Park Adventist Church.
She told him at that time, “This is the right church.” The Prophecy seminar convinced him that she had been correct, and he testified: “From now on I’ll keep the Sabbath holy.” •