Image Credit: Sonia Borgert

Kamiah Members Get GLOWing

When Mission 365 extended the GLOW Northwest challenge for mission-minded members to distribute a million GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) tracts across the Northwest in a 10-day period (Oct. 22–31, 2017), the Kamiah (Idaho) Church accepted the challenge.

On Sabbath, Oct. 28, 11 members gathered to plan and pray before spreading through several neighborhoods to give away 100 GLOW tracts. Tucked inside each tract was a personal invitation to come to church for a Bible study on the book of Romans. After an hour the teams began returning with experiences.

“We met new parents of twins,” one member said. "Could we put together a baby gift basket?" One team prayed with a lonely man who had recently lost his wife. Some contacted friends and reached out to former members. Everyone ran into someone they knew.

In an hour 70 tracts had been distributed. After prayer and praise, even the surplus tracts began to disappear as everyone wanted to share with a neighbor or friend.

Don't ever pass up a chance to go GLOWing. The blessings are splendid.

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Featured in: January/February 2018
