Juneau Pathfinders Experience Camporee Blessings

We almost missed out. We almost lost the chance for three young Pathfinders to publicly choose to follow Jesus, but, by God’s grace, we experienced His blessings.

As the only Pathfinder club from Alaska at the 2017 North Pacific Union Conference Pathfinder Camporee in Twin Falls, Idaho, our Juneau Black Bears were thrilled to represent the Alaska Conference. They received special greetings and attention from other Pathfinders around the Pacific Northwest, but they also recognized how many fellow brothers and sisters they had in other states.

Uncertain about the expenses and preparations of having nine Pathfinders and five adults travel from Juneau, Alaska, to Twin Falls, we forged ahead in prayer and perseverance and decided to attend the camporee. Despite having occasional misgivings, we trusted that God would help in all things. As a result, God provided:

  • Support from our Juneau Adventist Church;
  • Financial donations and Alaska Airlines companion passes;
  • Safe travel by airplane and minivans to and from Twin Falls;
  • Awesome host club in the Golden Eagle Pathfinders of Idaho;
  • Exuberant speaker in Bill Kilgore with his miraculous “BLOOP” (ask a Pathfinder who attended);
  • Examples in Daniel of his commitment to prayer and standing firm in his faith;
  • Honors such as Dutch oven cooking, blacksmithing and orienteering;
  • Natural beauty of Shoshone Falls;
  • Historical lessons at Minidoka Internment Camp;
  • Three young Pathfinders who publicly chose to follow Jesus;
  • Total of nine young Pathfinders who now hold treasured memories of God’s love.

We look forward to having more Pathfinders choose to follow Jesus and sharing more memories with other Pathfinders in the future, whether at a camporee or in heaven.

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Featured in: December 2017
