Image Credit: Walla Walla University

A Thoughtful Response

Concerns have been circulated online about the listing of Walla Walla University Church (WWUC) on the website of Convergence, an organization whose mission does not consistently represent the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) leadership shares the following in response:

  • The posting of WWUC as a church networked with a “growing list of progressive churches” on the website was unauthorized and unknown to WWUC leadership until social media concerns surfaced. The listing has since been removed because it did not represent the stance of WWUC.
  • As a Seventh-day Adventist congregation, WWUC and its leaders are unabashedly committed to the mission and fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and are an integral part of the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We encourage any who question this to go beyond social media conversations and instead connect directly with WWUC (509-527-2800) or the conference (509-242-0512).
  • We believe in the commitment of our Walla Walla University leaders to carry out the mission of our church and to be true to our common values and beliefs. We trust their partnership in training our young people to serve our Creator God.

Publicly calling out our brothers and sisters carries a heavy burden of accountability. False conclusions multiply quickly online and damage reputations with untruths difficult to retract. We call upon our Northwest members to carefully validate information before passing it along, especially when it concerns fellow believers and institutions committed to the cause of God. Church leaders and institutions will welcome your honest inquiries. Where there are credible questions or concerns, let us avoid airing those issues without having followed the gracious steps suggested by Christ in Matthew 18.