
Featured in: December 2016

OPP 65th

LaVern and Doris Opp celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Aug. 27, 2016, with a family gathering hosted by their sons.

LaVern Opp and Doris Vietz were married Aug. 30, 1951 in McClusky, N.D.

After graduating from Sheyenne River Academy at Harvey, N.D., they attended Union College in Lincoln, Neb., where LaVern pursued religion, history and education, graduating in 1953. He later attended Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., receiving a master's degree in educational administration.

After 12 years in pastoral ministry in Kansas and South Dakota, LaVern served as educational superintendent and youth director in South Dakota and Oklahoma. They later moved to Mount Vernon Academy in Ohio where he was Bible instructor and vice principal, and Doris served as receptionist and secretary to the principal, vice principal and treasurer. After serving as an academy principal in Tennessee, they moved to Idaho in 1977, where they still reside.

LaVern served as superintendent of education in the Idaho Conference while Doris was employed by the state of Idaho as secretary in the disability determination unit of Social Security. During this time LaVern had also served as president of the Idaho Federation of Independent Schools several times, as well as being appointed a member of the Idaho Public Schools Elementary Approval Commission for a three-year term.

They both retired in 1993 after LaVern had completed 40 years of denominational service. Since retirement however, he was called to be the interim principal of the Adventist schools of Lincoln for one school year. It was also his privilege for nine years to be a member of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association as the government relations representative and the religious liberty secretary in Idaho.

They have enjoyed a tremendous amount of travel, visiting all 50 states, plus 19 countries. This involved five mission trips to Peru. Doris enjoys sewing and has produced beautiful pillowslips as a love ministry for terminally ill or lonely individuals. She has also become an enthusiastic quilter, and LaVern calls her quilts “masterpieces.” LaVern has enjoyed woodworking and built such items as cradles or rocking horses for grandchildren as well as toy furniture for their dolls, and pens and pencils for family and friends.

Most of all they have most enjoyed traveling to visit family or friends. The Lord has been a constant companion through the 65 year journey they have enjoyed together. The plan is to join the redeemed of the ages and with family and friends continue the journey for all eternity with the Saviour.

The Opps family includes Mark Opp of Seattle, Wash.; Paul and Sandi Opp of Caldwell, Idaho, and Peru; 7 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.