Meadow Glade Student Excels in Geographic Bee

Sarah Kimitsuka, a sixth-grade student at Meadow Glade Adventist Elementary School (MGAES) in Battle Ground, Wash., won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee on Jan. 8 and qualified for the state competition held on April 1.

The National Geographic Bee is open to students across the nation in grades four through eight. At MGAES, all eligible students participated in a grade-level competition. From that competition, the top two scores at each grade level participated in the school bee. The competitors at MGAES included fourth-graders McKinley Ermshar and Calvin Hubbard; fifth-graders Uziel Marquez and Evan Young; sixth-grader Josué Mendez; seventh-graders Delaney Ermshar and Christina McCoy; and eighth-graders Madi Carlton and Eddie Coberly. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and community members attended the bee at MGAES to cheer on the contestants.

Following the school competition, the MGAES champions, including Kimitsuka, took a written test. Up to 100 of the top scorers on that test in each state were then judged eligible to compete in their state bee. Although Kimitsuka did not advance beyond the state level, her accomplishments made MGAES staff and students proud.

“As a former social studies teacher, I can’t emphasize enough how important geography is in learning the lessons of history,” says Ric Peinado, MGAES principal. "I was pleased to see the hard work and effort each student put in. I'm very proud of all the students who participated. Sarah Kimitsuka joins an esteemed group of former students who have won a deserved spot at the state competition."

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Featured in: May 2016


Malaika Childers

Meadow Glade Adventist Elementary School fifth- and sixth-grade teacher