MEA goes through Summer Updates With a new school year fast approaching, Mount Ellis Academy has been in full swing with campus and online changes. In late June, the decision to move forward with necessary changes in the Ad Building was approved. First, the walls were transforme... Read more
Thomsen Ordained at Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Anthony Thomsen, pastor of The Experience in Meridian, Idaho, was ordained on Sabbath, June 18, at the Idaho Conference Camp Meeting in Caldwell, Idaho. Thomsen was previously the pastor of the Salmon and Wood River Valley (Hailey), Idaho, churche... Read more
Students Lay Wreath At Tomb of Unknowns Recently 24 students and adults from four Idaho Conference elementary schools took a two-week school fieldtrip to Washington, D.C., from March 24–April 8.It took three days by train to get to D.C. and three days to return. The group had a very ins... Read more
Idaho Constituency Report "Disciples in Action" was the theme for the 52nd-Session of the Idaho Conference, which met May 22 at Gem State Adventist Academy. This theme anticipates conference membership being motivated and involved in making disciples for the kingdom. In hi... Read more
Alaskan Teens Demo Disaster Response "We believe that teens can be involved in church-planned community service events," emphasized Tammie Kovalenko, teen division camp meeting leader, to Butch Palmero of Adventist Community Services Alaska.Alaskan Adventist teens have been one of th... Read more
Alaska Reconsiders Mission In an endeavor to reach the population base of the Last Frontier, which includes some of the most isolated areas in the United States, the Alaska Conference has partnered with the Voice of Prophecy Bible School. The goal for this partnership is to... Read more
Ketchikan Celebrates Double Baptism On June 25, Jo Ellyn Baham and Tracy Salazar made a public profession of faith through baptism at Ward Lake in Ketchikan, Alaska. Todd Ervin, Ketchikan Church pastor, ministered the ordinance of baptism, and the celebration was witnessed by Baham'... Read more