PAA’s Land Development Begins A property lease and development means visible progress toward a new school building for Portland Adventist Academy (PAA).A busy construction site is leaving a mark on the east side of PAA’s 25-acre property. Builders Jerry Erwin and Associates ar... Read more
Images of Creation 2014 Winners From more than 1,000 entries, the following individuals submitted photographs selected to be featured in the print Gleaner or in the Images of Creation 2014 gallery at Read more
Pioneer Pathfinders Club Collects Food The Salem Central Church Pioneer Pathfinder Club collected more than 450 pounds of food at a recent food drive. The food was given to the Salem Adventist Community Center to give to needy and low-income families for the holiday season. Read more
Washington Conference Session Notice is hereby given that the 59th Regular Session of the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will convene at Auburn Adventist Academy Church, Auburn, Washington, on Sunday, April 6, 2014, at 9:30 a.m.The purpose of the meeting is to... Read more
Reuniting Alumni and Reigniting Adventist Schools Whether you are an alumnus of an Adventist elementary school, junior academy, academy or university, you are invited to emerge with joy to reunite and reignite your alma mater."Alle, Alle auch sind frei!" The idea was to stay hidden until the pers... Read more
Student Body Organization Celebrates Centennial Happy birthday, Associated Students of Walla Walla University! The year 2014 marks the 100th birthday of ASWWU. What started in 1914 as a small effort to involve students in campus life is today an organization that contributes to campus life is ... Read more