Milo Seniors Survive Wilderness Challenges Milo Adventist Academy's senior survival location, purpose and activities remain an annual mystery. But this year's seniors found the answers deep in the Umpqua National Forest where they turned a pile of black plastic, sticks and rope into safe, ... Read more
Oregon Youth Bring VBS To Alaska A team of eight youth and three adults flew to the Siberian Yupik village of Gambell on St. Lawrence Island in June for the 10th annual mission trip sponsored by the Oregon Conference.The group put on a week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) for abou... Read more
Sutherlin School Celebrates Loan Burning A fire was set at the Sutherlin (Ore.) Christian School on Sept. 14. Fortunately the burning was confined to a piece of paper—the loan note representing the indebtedness of the church for the new school building. Thanks to the generosity of dedica... Read more
Fourth Grader Delivers Lunch and New Class Project For more than a year, fourth-grader Skyler Null has been helping his grandmother deliver “Meals on Wheels.” As a home school student, scheduling wasn’t any problem. But now that he is attending Portland Adventist Elementary School he was worried a... Read more
Battle Ground Fire Department Announces CAA Senior Officers The traditional announcement of senior class officers is always an exciting proclamation at the beginning of the year for Columbia Adventist Academy. This year's class wasted no time in letting their fellow schoolmates know who they were, and they... Read more
Young People Needed to Boost Church Near Eugene A few young people have come forward and volunteered to carry some of the load of the Everlasting Gospel Church near Eugene, Ore., and more are needed.Originally called the Veneta Church, this 350-seat church was built when the timber and building... Read more
Creative Open House Trains New Church Officers The Sweet Home (Ore.) Church held their first open house and orientation workshop on Sunday, June 29, to orient members to the church offices that they had accepted for the new year. It featured booths or tables for each of the primary church func... Read more
Columbia Adventist Academy Student Nominated for Principal's Leadership Award Chase Hendrickson, a Columbia Adventist Academy (CAA) senior, has been nominated to compete in the national Principal’s Leadership Award (PLA) scholarship program, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.Berit von Pohl... Read more
Oregon Youth Challenge Changing Lives, One Knock at a Time "Hello!, my name is——. I am working my way through school, and I have something special to show you. Please take a look!"At the more than 26,000 doors Oregon Youth Challenge (OYC) particpants contacted, people heard this friendly refrain as the po... Read more